Mental Health Apps & Websites



The BRAVE Program (8-18 years)

Researchers from The University of Sydney recently did a study on mental health apps, and had concerns about the privacy of people’s data, and the quality of the information contained in the App.
Grundy (researcher) says they have tips for consumers:
  • "Go for paid apps, so pay those couple of dollars upfront... if you pay upfront it's less likely that your data is going to be sold to advertisers or sold for other purposes."
  • "Choose an app from someone you trust. There's a lot of individuals – people and companies – that are well-intentioned and have made a mental health app because they want to help people or they've had experience themselves but they're not necessarily coming from a place where that content is evidence-based or from a public health perspectives."
  • "Especially on android apps there's a way to check – they're called permissions – the kind of data that the app is asking from you, so you want to check those."
With that in mind we have chosen a selection of Mental Health Apps from organisations that we would hope are reputable and use up to date research & skills. Please use your own discretion when purchasing or downloading apps and always check about data privacy.

BeyondNow (by beyondblue)
Breathe2Relax (National Center for Telehealth & Technology, US Military)
Mindshift (by Anxiety Disorders Association of British Columbia)
Snapshot (by The Black Dog Institute)
T2 Mood Tracker (National Center for Telehealth & Technology, US Military)
Virtual Hope Box (National Center for Telehealth & Technology, US Military)
WorryTime (by ReachOut Australia)
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Hypermobility Connect receives no monetary kickbacks nor has any other affiliations with the creators of these apps or websites. This is simply a list of collated information that is accessible online. We will not be held responsible for use of these Apps or websites, and any consequences that arise from using them.





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